Getting an Early Start on the Garden – Moving Indoors

These days, Mother Nature doesn’t always cooperate.  After a mild winter, spring seemed to arrive early.  I was out on my hammock soaking in the sunlight only a few weeks ago.  I got ambitious and turned over the soil in the raised beds for my vegetable and herb garden.  Last year I started the garden too late, only to have many plants dry out in the heat before hitting full fruit.  I wasn’t going to make that mistake again.  But then, Mother Nature played a joke on me (and all of us in the Northern part of the U.S.).  We had 3 successive days of below freezing temperatures, including actual snow on the ground in April.  Egads!!!!  Add so I pulled out my Jung Seed catalog.  Instead of just getting seeds, I loaded up on starter soil, biodegradeable seed kits, and deck planters.

Read moreGetting an Early Start on the Garden – Moving Indoors

Spring in the Air

SpringCleaningThe thermostat in our little river hamlet of Cortlandt Manor has hit 75 degrees.  While spring has not yet officially begun, it is just around the corner.  Along with spring come new resolutions.  The first and foremost is to remove the clutter that accumulates of the cold dark winter.   For me, that means several things.

NOTE:  With this post, Seth Rowland returns to the web with an active blog.  I realize the hiatus has been over a year and a half.  I have been very busy, but have neglected the prime imperative of sharing and educating that has been key to the success of my own business venture.  And so, come back, subscribe, even feel free to comment.  I hope to make it worth your while.

Read moreSpring in the Air

Basha Systems is now a member affilliate of 3545 Consulting Group

It has been QUITE a while since I last wrote in this blog. It is not for lack of topics to write about that I have been silent. We have been quite busy, and marketing has taken a back seat to other endeavors. One very important change is that Basha Systems LLC is now an affiliate of the 3545 Consulting Group.


Read moreBasha Systems is now a member affilliate of 3545 Consulting Group

The New Basha Systems Support

Basha Systems uses a variety of tools to support its clients. We have standardized on the GoTo … suite of products.  This includes GoToAssist for remote support, GoToMeetings for client sessions, and GoToWebinar for training.  We also use GoToMeeting to remotely access our own internal computers and those of select clients who are not setup for unattended support with GoToAssist.

Click Now

We have recently restructured our website navigation to make it easier for you to get the prompt and thorough support our clients have come to expect of Basha Systems.  This includes a big SUPPORT button on the top of every page.  Be sure to call us first to ask for your “Support Key”; in moments we will be on your desktop, inside your computer, giving you the guidance you need.

Read moreThe New Basha Systems Support

The Place to Go for News on Document Assembly and Case Management

It’s live!!!! The new Basha Systems legal technology news site. Come for a visit.  For TOO long, there was no source for news on developments in practice management and document assembly.  And yet, several vendors has started getting savvy about social marketing.  For example, Exari and ContractExpress have launched blogs and twitter feeds of news and development.  And so, rather than hunting everywhere for developments, I created a page for myself to track these latest “feeds” and then set it up for you to enjoy.  Come take a look; bookmark the site, and come back regularly.  If there are OTHER feeds you want to see, please suggest it.  Best of all, check out the new technology.  This is the first consultant website that you can “PERSONALIZE”. Yeah, you can reorder the feeds, change the priorities, and move it around to suit YOUR technology needs.

I am very excited about the site.  It saves me from having to hunt around for news.  At the moment, it is limited to “public feeds”.  There are actually several vendors that have feeds that require a LOGIN to get access to their blog.  I can configure the website to access those feeds, but only with permission.  If you want me to add your business feed, and it is behind a login, please send me an email granting permission, along with an appropriate login to see it.

The more that people know about developments in different products, the more informed will be their decisions, and the more likely they will take the technology plunge.  That is my hope.  Enjoy.

Website Redesign

Every other year I assess our firm’s web-presence and look at the state of technology.  My goal is to build a website that is informative, describes the products we support, and gives useful comparative and illustrative information about those products. Two years ago my interests were wide ranging, but the core of our business was HotDocs, GhostFill and Time Matters.  Since that time, our skill set and product offerings have expanded, as well as our staff.  We now have significant programming and database management capabilities by virtue of the inclusion of Steve Stockstill and Marc Wexler in our virtual offerings, and have engaged our partner Holly Humphreys in several billing engagements.

We have entered into the web-development business with a new offering coming out in the 4th quarter through our partner that addresses the needs of lawyers interested in both social media and document automation. We have diversified our offerings of practice management solutions to include AdvologixPM and Amicus Attorney Premium Edition.  We have built solutions with Exari document assembly and DealBuilder, now offered on a SaaS model as ContractExpress.  And we have partnered with NetDocuments to provide cloud-based document management.  And so, our website, as comprehensive as it is, is hopelessly out of date.

We plan to be dividing our website along product lines, with offerings describing in detail each product we support and our twist as to which of you they will best serve.  We will also be providing some feature comparisons between competing products to help you decide which features are important to you.  This will not happen overnight, but will be a work in progress.  Also, we will be offering this blog feed, alongside the feeds of vendors and opinion leaders in a new website (more on that at a later time).

So please, bookmark this website and comeback often, or enable your RSS reader.  There is more to come.

Basha Systems LLC is Moving

Well, it’s official.  Basha Systems LLC is moving.  After ten years in Croton on Hudson, it is time to MOVE our offices … well not so far … in fact … just up the road.  We signed the deed, mortgage,and note TODAY. We are moving to Cortlandt Manor, NY.  The actual move won’t be for another week or two.  When it is, it will be to 17 Lakeview Avenue East, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567.  The phone numbers will change, but you are free to call our (800) number which will be automatically routed to wherever we are. (800) 725-0326.  And of course, email will continue to follow us to our new home.

And here is the building where the office is located

Here is a photo of the new office layout

And if you like barbeque, we have not only a new gas grill, but we have a real smoker.  Smoked brisket anyone.

Three-Click Solution with Basha Office Management System (OMS)

Have you ever wished to unlock the power of Time Matters so that any item of data you enter on a case can be retrieved in Three-Clicks of a Mouse.  For you, we have developed OMS – The Basha Systems Office Management System for Time Matters.  It takes just a few minutes to install, and will save you at least 30 minutes a day hunting for information that you have already entered.  It will make Time Matters eminently more user friendly.  Here is the basics.  Step 1: Choose your record, whether it be a matter, contact, event, todo, or UDR.  Step 2: Choose your Powerview.  There are over 80 customized Power Views in the package. Step 3: Click on PRINT or on EXPAND ALL.  It’s that easy.

The Office Management System comes with a full suite of Power Views. One of the most significant are power views that give you ALL fields on the underlying record in a single printable view.  These fields are grouped by area, with the ability to customize the label for the area, just as you can do on the record’s form style.  Moreover, the system also is dynamic.  As you change the prompts on the underlying record, the prompts on the Power View adjust.

But, there is more.  The current OMS system ships with several basic best-practices form style. These include a new INDIVIDUAL contact form style and a new CORPORATE contact form style that you can use as a base and are closely tied to the Power Views.  It also ships with a system for managing your file room and a mini litigation documents management system, previously shipped separately.  What better way to jump start your existing Time Matters installation or to use for a new installation.  We have invested hundreds of hours in developing this system which you can have in just a few minutes.  Installation and training on the system is included in the purchase price of $1500 for the first user and assistant and $200 for each additional user.  Give us a call.

Website Relaunch Party – Click your Refresh

If you have visited in the past, you might come back and take a look.  Be sure to click the REFRESH button (Control-F5) to clear your browser cache.  Today we are launching a totally rebuilt website.  Bear with us as we iron out the kinks.  Over the past month, we have ported several hundred pages of contact from coded-HTML pages into Joomla Content Management System.  With Joomla, there is improved navigation, system-wide search, and the ability to print any article you see to PDF.  More important for us, with its ease of editing, you will find the site more regularly updated with new and revised content to keep pace with the ever changing technology market.

To begin with, we have dividing the site into several product-specific subdomains.  There is still  But now, visit for our offering in Time Matters.  Take a look at to see what we built for the Nebraska Bar Association.  If you are into estate planning, you might look into  And there is a brand-new store where you can easily make your purchases.

Keep posted for more specific announcements.

LinkedIn NewsFeed to Document Assembly (and Case Management)

As part of the HotDocs Wizards group on Linked in, I have now made my blog, Document Assembly (and Case Management) available on Linked In.  For those who don’t know about LinkedIn groups, the HotDocs Wizards group is a place where REAL HotDocs developers can meet to share ideas and even business prospected.  In the past two weeks, I have been asked to post two job offerings to the group.  It may be that is only a trickle, but enough trickles turn into streams, and streams feed into rivers.

LinkedIn currently has over 30 million connections.  What people do with their LinkedIn profile is up to them.  It may be worthwhile to but you bio/cv up on LinkedIn.  It may not make sense to get a paid subscription.  The choice is yours.