Basha Systems 2.0 – Website Rebuild

Over the past few years, I have been following the evolution of the “Web” and thinking about the purpose of corporate and law firm websites.  What role does and should the website play in the business of a law firm or a professional organization.  At Basha Systems, we have built, a marketing website to explain the services we offer and our products.  To that website we have added vertical market specific subdomains:, a place for Estate Planning and Elderlaw attorneys,,, a website for Nebraska probate attorneys, to support our Probate Systems V,,, a blog of tips, techniques and tricks for HotDocs users, and, an automated support site.  We are in the process of reorganizing and restructuring these sites to (1) make them easier to navigate, (2) easier to maintain, and (3) more current. We are adopting Web 2.0 technology to turn these websites into dynamic community resources

By community resources we mean to build into the core Basha Systems website a vitality and currency that gives the user a reason to come back, a place to go for all things document assembly, document automation, case management.  While we could build “forums” – the easy way, our goal is to present distilled independent content, easy to digest, easy to find, and easy to use.  Document Assembly and Practice Management are transformative technologies for the practice of law.  In these rebuilt websites, we hope to convey the excitement, the thrill of accomplishment, and the energy of the community of document assembly programmers.

So what does Web 2.0. mean?

It means:

  • Individual articles can be printed or emailed
  • All articles on the website can be accessed by an RSS feed
  • Dozens of videos, both training and walk-throughs
  • Articles ranked by submission date, so you can see at a glance what is “new”.
  • A reason to come back again and again.


EPMS: A Tool for Estate Planners and Elder Lawyers

I have generally kept this blog free of product promotions and endorsements (not to mention split infinitives).  Basha Systems LLC has recently added a treasure trove of information to its main website ( and a new subdomain ( and added products to the web store (  I encourage you to look at those sites for your edification and our possible remuneration.  But I should let you know that Basha Systems LLC is in the process of transformation from focusing predominantly on technology consulting to a product development company.  Don’t worry … we will continue to provide consulting services. It pays the bills; its fun; and it gives us ideas for product development.

In the past several years, we have helped launch Interactive Legal Systems LLC’s “Lifetime Estate Planning System,” also known as Wealth Transfer Planning (“WTP”).  We have designed and built a commercially available probate system in conjunction with the Nebraska State Bar Association, which is used in over 120 law firms.  We have served as advisor to the Minnesota State Bar Association in the development of a suite of forms that will soon be made available as a member benefit. We built a “Record Room Management System” and “Litigation File Management System” add-ons for Time Matters.  We are currently developing under contract to ILS a comprehensive elder law planning system for elder lawyers.

And yesterday, we officially launched a new product in conjunction with Interactive Legal Systems.  The Basha Systems “Estate Planning Management System” for the software formerly known as Time Matters® is a complete system for estate planners and soon for elder law attorneys that builds on the best features of Time Matters® and HotDocs®.  The original conception was to turn Time Matters into a data source to feed the client interview in WTP.  Based on discussions with numerous attorneys, the client and spouse contact form styles evolved into a complete estate planning management system built as a feature package on top of the software now known as LexisNexis Front Office powered by Time Matters. If this area is of interest to you (or your clients), please take a look at our new subdomain, and in particular (

The EPMS system represents hundreds of hours of work for three programmers with specialties in HotDocs®, Time Matters® and Javascript/HTML. And yet, the system can be installed in under 30 minutes, with a live web-based training class to follow immediately.  Basha Systems has taken its own Kool-Aid® and invested substantial “non-billable” hours to produce a high-quality product.  Take a look and let us know what you think.  Or contact us, to arrange a live-demo.

Launch of EPMS Tips Archive

Basha Systems has recently launched an Estate Planning Feature Package for Time Matters. With the launch of EPMS, Estate Planning Management System for Time Matter (aka LexisNexis Front Office powered by Time Matters), we will be using this space as a support forum. Many of the techniques and approaches used for EPMS apply generally to Time Matters. So add this to your newsreader in Time Matters and you will be able to keep abreast on new developments.

In this space we will be putting tips, tricks and other thoughts on best use of Time Matters for your estate planning business.

Wiki Wiki Wiki

For the past several years I have been running a virtual office with collaborators in multiple locations.  We have tried a number of collaboration tools, including GoToMeeting and GoToMyPC, Groove, Time Matters World, with mixed success.  Most of the work was project based, where control of the project files could be passed (as a football) from one collaborator to another.  This works as long as you can pass control.  However, there are times when we have needed to have simultaneous control of a project.  For those, we have now standardized on a Wiki.

What is a Wiki?

According to, it is:

Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser. Wiki supports hyperlinks and has a simple text syntax for creating new pages and crosslinks between internal pages on the fly.

Wiki is unusual among group communication mechanisms in that it allows the organization of contributions to be edited in addition to the content itself.

Our Experience

I have talking with many programmers who work with source code Wiki’s to store and organize snippets of code.  What distinguishes a good programmer from a so-so programmer is the ability to understand and “reuse code” efficiently in different environments.  By using a Wiki, code can be annotated and placed in an environment where it is made available to other coders in the organization. But this is where most “databases end” and the “wiki begins.

Because each article in a Wiki can be edited, each person who finds the code and uses it, can improve on the code … revise it.  The wiki tracks prior version.  It also tracks discussion on the particular article.  In this way, a Wiki (used in open source development) can grow to become a vital resource of what works and doesn’t work in an organization.

At Basha Systems, we have recently implemented an internal Wiki.  Every time one of us has an idea, we toss it up on the Wiki.  Someone else may look at the idea and refine it (or reject it).  The idea can then develop into a procedure, process, or utility. Commentary can be refined as the utility is used in a feedback loop which then improves the program.  The wiki software we use is called [url=http:\]Expression Engine[url], the same tool we use to host this website.  But there are a number of “hosted” Wikis on Yahoo, Google, and other paid sites you can use.  We keep ours behind the firewall, but there is nothing to say you could not start a public wiki for open collaboration.

Time Matters Tips Site Goes Live

Welcome to the new Basha Systems Time Matters Tips site.  It is run by our blogging software, but will grow to operate much like any information site…

As time goes by, we will be adding Time Matters tips and tricks to our database.  Eventually, this site will become a quality resource for the Time Matters case management community.  Growing side by side with this site will be our GhostFill and HotDocs information sites, all run in a very similar manner.  If you find yourself becoming lost, the following color schemes should assist:

grey = generic blog containing articles & document assemby topics of interest
red = hotdocs specific tips and tricks
navy = ghostfill specific tips and tricks
tan = time matters specific tips and tricks

quotes in the Time Matters Tips site will appear like this

On the left side of this site, you will notice links to relevant Time Matters resources, as well as a search box, so that you can quickly find what you want from our site (if it is here of course).  If you want some light reading regarding case management ( and document assembly!), dont forget to check out our main blog which has many articles regarding the industry generally.

We hope you enjoy the new approach.

HotDocs Tips Site Goes Live

Welcome to the new Basha Systems HotDocs Tips site.  It is run by our blogging software, but will grow to operate much like any information site…

As time goes by, we will be adding HotDocs tips and tricks to our database.  Eventually (and hopefully!), this site will become a quality resource for the HotDocs document assembly community.  Also growing at the same time will be our GhostFill and Time Matters information sites, all run in a very similar manner.  If you find yourself becoming lost, the following color schemes should assist:

grey = generic blog containing articles & document assemby topics of interest
red = hotdocs specific tips and tricks
navy = ghostfill specific tips and tricks
tan = time matters specific tips and tricks

quotes in the HotDocs Tips site will appear like this

On the left side of this site, you will notice links to relevant HotDocs resources, as well as a search box, so that you can quickly find what you want from our site (if it is here of course).  If you want some light reading regarding document assembly generally, dont forget to check out our main blog which has many articles regarding the industry generally.

We hope you enjoy the new approach.

GhostFill Tips Site Goes Live

Welcome to the new Basha Systems GhostFill Tips site.  It is run by our blogging software, but will grow to operate much like any information site…

As time goes by, we will be adding GhostFill tips and tricks to our database.  Eventually, this site will become a quality resource for the GhostFill document assembly community.  Also coming soon will be our Time Matters and HotDocs information sites, all run in a very similar manner.  If you find yourself becoming lost, the following color schemes should assist:

grey = generic blog containing articles & document assemby topics of interest
red = hotdocs specific tips and tricks
blue = ghostfill specific tips and tricks
tan = time matters specific tips and tricks

quotes in the GhostFill Tips site will appear like this

On the left side of this site, you will notice links to relevant GhostFill resources, as well as a search box, so that you can quickly find what you want from our site (if it is here of course).  If you want some light reading regarding document assembly generally, dont forget to check out our main blog which has many articles regarding the industry generally.

We hope you enjoy the new approach.

Basha Systems Document Assembly Blog Ready for Syndication and HotDocs 2006

We have been busy restructuring all our website in the Basha Systems family:, our client new client portal,, our main consulting site, our Fogbugz project tracking site,, our store.  There are two other sites almost ready to go live to support our Nebraska Probate System V and a new system for Building Inspectors. With these items out of the way, I am ready to return to commenting on developments in Document Assembly.  In particular, HotDocs 2006 is about to go into Full Beta. I have gathered posted by chief architect of HotDocs Marshall Morrise to the public HotDocs list.  When the product comes out of beta and is released, come back for a discussion of these innovative new features.

There has been discussion on the HotDocs List of several potential features in the HotDocs 2005 Beta.  I will confine my comments to posts from Marshall Morrise, the chief architect of HotDocs to the HotDocs ListServer.  These posts reveal some major new features under the hood that will catapault HotDocs to the lead as a full fledged document assembly development platform.

February 9, 2006: Feature Set

All new features we have discussed on the list over the past several months (including the one referred to below) are being implemented in HotDocs 2006. The one exception is support for WordPerfect X3, which has been added to HotDocs 2005 SP3 (available soon). The reason we put this into a 2005 version is that WordPerfect X3 is already out and we don’t feel we can expect customers who upgrade to it to wait until HotDocs 2006 comes out in June.

Feb. 9, 2006: Access macros from an non-loaded template

The discussion regarding macros stored in a secondary template had to do with HotDocs 2006. We have implemented the feature we discussed. A new component file property allows you to specify a Word .dot file that contains PLAY macros. The .dot file must be in the same folder as the template that includes the PLAY instruction. Thus, if you distribute a template set where one or more of the templates includes a PLAY instruction, instead of requiring users to copy the PLAY macros into, or putting them in a template that must be copied to the Word Startup folder, you can simply include the .dot with the template set.

January 20, 2006: Pretty Templates

In this example, variable titles have been substituted for variable names and square brackets have been substituted for IF/END IF pairs. Color would be used to identify variables and the brackets for IF instructions (which I can’t show here because the list server just strips color out). Footnotes would be used to show the actual IF logic. Other things would be done as well.

December 13, 2005: Required Fields

Because the HotDocs 2005 Server interface mimics the desktop interface, it does not include asterisks for required fields. Instead, the fact that a required field is not answered is indicated by a red asterisk in the interview outline. That said, requests for the asterisks have been frequent enough that both the desktop and server interfaces for HotDocs 2006 will include a user option to show red asterisks at the left side of prompts for required fields.

November 23, 2005: Update Table of Contents and Indexes in Word

In HotDocs 2006 we’ve added a component file option titled “Update table of contents and index after assembly”. If you turn this on, HotDocs will automatically update the TOC and indexes so you don’t have to PLAY a macro to do it.

November 17, 2005: Inserting an OR in a document based on rules

At the moment, the only way to accomplish what you are asking about is to write some computations that figure out which lines get included in the document. Someone on the list can probably help you out with an approach. For everyone’s information, a feature that will make this very easy (no computations involved) will be included in HotDocs 2006.

November 2, 2005: Master Component File – But Independent Document Interviews

Just so you know, HotDocs 2006 will allow you to specify a different interview component for each template that points to a shared component file. While this doesn’t address all of the issues raised regarding using shared component files, it does address the issue Bart mentions immediately below.

October 19, 2005: Unique Values in a Multiple Choice Variable

I have received a request to produce a function that will filter out unique responses from a repeated multiple choice variable.  To get this list of unique selections across the repeated set of answers, I have to do quite a bit of scripting, including setting a counter, copying over options from the Favorite Desserts variable to a temporary collection variable, using a WHILE to look through the collection variable to make sure I don’t duplicate a choice, etc.

October 6, 2005: Text Manipulation Functions

We have discussed the addition of some built-in text manipulation functions to HotDocs to make it easier to manipulate text answers, particularly multi-line answers. There have been a number of suggestions, including “normalizing” multiline text to make it single-line, stripping off white space, etc.

After reviewing the emails and suggestions offered, we proposed to create the following built-in text manipulation functions:

STRIP(, , , )

text variable = any text variable
characters = characters to be stripped off
frombeginning = TRUE if characters to be stripped from the beginning of the text
fromend = TRUE if characters to be stripped from the end of the text

Characters to be stripped off can include the following “pseudo-codes”:

^t for a tab
^s for a hard space
^p for a paragraph mark/hard return
^w for any white space

etc. (rather like what you can do with Find and Replace in Word)

REPLACE(, , , )

text variable = any text variable
searchfor = character string
replacewith = character string
all = TRUE to replace all occurrences of with instead of just the first one

Searchfor and replacewith can include the same pseudo-codes shown for STRIP above.


Yields the answer plus a space if the text variable is answered or an “answered nothing” otherwise.

Examples of use:

SET MultiLineAddress TO STRIP(MultiLineAddress, “^w”, TRUE, TRUE)

Strips white space from the beginning and end of a multi-line address.

SET OneLineAddress TO REPLACE(MultiLineAddress, “^p”, “, “)

Replaces returns in the multi-line address with a comma and a space to form a single line address.

With SPACE, instead of a computation containing:

ClientFirstName + “ “
IF ANSWERED(ClientMiddleName)
RESULT + ClientMiddleName + “ “
RESULT + ClientLastName

you could use:

ClientFirstName + “ “ + SPACE(ClientMiddleName) + ClientLastName

October 6, 2005: Bold, Italics and Underline in Computations and List Punctuation


1. Quite a number of developers have requested a way to identify bold, underscore, and italics in text produced by computations for insertion into a document.

2. A similar number of developers have requested a way to get bold, underscore, and italics into additional text or prompt text in a dialog.

3. A smaller, but still meaningful number of developers have requested a way to get “a, b, and c” style punctuation into a document without using a repeat. For example, if I want to list a client, the client’s spouse, and their children as “My family consists of myself, my spouse Sam Jones, my son Tim Jones, and my daughter Sue Jones”, where the children come from a repeated dialog but the parents do not, I have to do some tricky scripting.

Proposed Solution

We propose to implement a new kind of field that can be inserted into text. The field will contain something I’ll call a “dot command”. Here are some
examples (using single angle brackets in place of chevrons):

In a computation script:

SET Variable TO “Please be <.b>very<.eb> careful when moving the cannister.”

The “.b” and “.eb” commands represent bold and end bold respectively. When this text is merged into a document, or when it is displayed in a dialog, the visible dot commands will be replaced by actual bolding of the word “very”.

Similar commands would be implemented for italics (.i) and underscore (.u).

It might be good if we used longer words for the dot commands, like “.begin bold” and “.end bold”. These would be easier to recognize in the text. The downside is, they’re long.

It might be good if we were to use some other character to “introduce” the new commands. We need to use something that has never been allowed as a valid character to being a HotDocs component name. One suggested character has been the backslash. We (I) like periods because they’re fairly unobtrusive.

QUESTION 1: How do you feel about this scheme of allowing visible fields in text that will be translated into the “real thing” in documents or dialogs? If you don’t care for it, do you have other suggestions?

QUESTION 2: Do periods (dots) work for you, or do you think some other character would be better?

QUESTION 3: Are you OK with short, mnemonics (like “.b” and “.be”) or do you prefer longer commands (like “.begin bold” and “.end bold”)?

In addition to dot commands for specifying bold, underscore, and italics, we’ve considered commands like:

<.an> inserts “a” or “an” depending on the word that follows
<.> inserts a period, but only if no punctuation precedes the dot command (useful when inserting a sentence typed by the user as an answer)
<.lq> inserts a curly left quote
<.rq> inserts a curly right quote

There are more things we’ve thought of (curly apostrophes, other conditional punctuation, etc.)

QUESTION 4: Are there other commands of this sort you’d like to see implemented? If so, please describe them.

As the solution to non-repeated list punctuation, we propose to implement:

<.p “format”> identifies the beginning of a punctuated list and gives the format
<.p> identifies the spot where punctuation characters should be inserted
<.pe> identifies the end of the punctuated list

Using the family example described above, you could have something like:

<.p “a, b, and c”>My family consists of myself<.p>my spouse <.p>my Name><.p><.pe>.

which would be assembled as

My family consists of myself, my spouse Sam Jones, my son Tim Jones, and my daughter Sue Jones.

QUESTION: Will this be useful to you?

I should mention that we expect to do two things:

1. Create an interface for inserting dot commands (so you don’t have to remember them).
2. Make it possible to hide dot commands so users who preview your templates won’t see them.

Basha Systems Client Portal Launched

At Basha Systems we have recently launched a new and improved client portal.  The system is built in SubDreamer and phpBB2.  We provide a private space for client announcement and downloads. On the client home page we give an overview of recent postings in a private threaded discussion forum.

Check out the portal at  Login as “clienttest” with the password “clienttest” and give it a test drive.  We set up the portal for all client projects that exceed $15,000.

The New Paradigm in Client Communications

The typical client communication has degenerated into a tsunami of e-mails.  When there are only two players on a project, email communications are managable.  If the users have implemented filters on their email, or use a case management product like Time Matters then you can build a thread of e-mails on a topic.  However, once multiple developers and a team of clients join the project, e-mail threads get quickly out of control.  People get copied on emails that should not be.  Emails grow in length as they get replied to and forwarded.

By contrast, a Discussion Forum has Topics.  An inital post can have a range of “replies”.  The team can “vote” on topics … respond to a poll.  The whole forum is searchable with an intelligent search engine.  Topics can be “closed” and moved to a closed issues forum.  When combined with a publishing engine like SubDreamer, the topics can lead to “announcements” which are made to a selected group based on login.  If there is a file that needs to be downloaded, it can be posted to the server and be accessible without fancy FTP (File Transfer Protocol) software via a download manager.

Document Assembly and Information Portals

Basha Systems continues it exploration of finding the most efficient technology to provide information on document assembly and its potential as a “disruptive technology” that created “profits” for the practice of law. Part of this exploration has been the porting of the this blog to Expression Engine. Other examples can be seen on the main web site with the introduction of Video Tours of our system. See Document Assembly Video Tours. Another element is the use of integrated web publishing and threaded discussion technology which will soon be available as a private Client Portal on Bashasys.Ne

Related Link: A sample link to our Client Support Portal

What is the promise of Web portals and why should anyone who cares about document assembly care?

Web portals no longer cost thousands of dollars.  There are open source web-portals, and there are low priced software systems which contain dozens of customizable skins.  While these “portals” are not designed for an “attorney” to set up WYSWIG … They do present a powerful, low cost alternative that is within the reach of most law firms.  And … the benefit is that since portals are driven by databases … and not HTML coded pages, it is incredibly each to add new articles, or manage threaded discussions without ANY knowledge of HTML, PHP, MySQL and the plethora of intimidating web acronyms.

The reason you should care is simple.  Many clients start out with a “google search” before they go to an attorney.  It is not that they use the Google search to choose the attorney, but they use it to inform themselves of the law in a particular area so that they can more effectively use the attorney’s “expensive” time.  That is because attorneys, for better are worse, are views as “expensive” … and the less time you spend with an attorney, the better.  “Some of my best friends are attorneys … and I still maintain my own bar rap.”

How to WebPortal Increase Visibility

Web portals, particular ones like ExpressionEngine and SubDreamer are entirely database driven.  The entire website consists of a series of cascading templates and style sheets which pull information from a database of posted articles.  This means, you have an instant, current, easily modifiable, completely searchable and indexed set of articles, organized by categories and subcategories, that can demonstrate the expertise of your firm.  Most webportals, include a guestbook that can be used to “track leads” on new potential business.  And, for clients, there is support for “member groups” so that you can publish articles specific to a client, based on the client’s login.

Most up to the Bigleague with a low budget

This is not to denigrate Sharepoint (from Microsoft) or some of the other bigger web portals.  There is a place for them.  But the starting price for those systems is easilly in the tens of thousands of dollars before you see a clear benefit.  By contrast, you can get a hosted web site ($50/month), a license to SubDreamer ($125) and engage a webdeveloper who can “skin” these sites for two days ($3,000) and you have a complete publishing platform and client support system.  You can replace the “pesky emails” that go awry with a secure, private threaded discussion forum that only you and your client can see.  And this will be a forum that you can see from an internet connected terminal, subject to proper login.

And the Reason I care

We are not in the web development system at Basha Systems, but we have invested hundreds of hours in learning these tools and applying document assembly object oriented programming principals to their development.  We use these tools to communicate effectively with our clients.  Our hope is that with these tools, our clients will be able to generate more business, and more revenue which can be reinvested into building profitable document assembly systems with HotDocs, GhostFill and Dealbuilder.

