Still Using GhostFill

Are you still using GhostFill?  Have you invested a lot of time in building templates?  Are you using Amicus Assembly?  It has been over two years since GhostFill officially stopped supporting the product in the retail software market.  There are still published systems using GhostFill (one of which we support).  So if you wanted to know, what is NEXT after GhostFill …give our office a call at (914) 827-9173 and ask for Rose. We know GhostFill inside and out.  We also know all of the leading document assembly systems, both client-server and web-server based systems.  We are also soon to add Amicus Attorney to our list of practice management software certfications.

We can give you your options and present you the alternative for conversion. Because we know GhostFill so well, we can recycle the code and logic, building equivalents in the alternative document assembly markup languages.

Give us a ring.  Don’t wait for your computers to die of old age before you make the switch.  OR, if you just need a refresher, we can help you extend the life of your existing system.

Love Your GhostPad

GhostFill in its last version upgrade included a new feature called GhostPad. GhostPad is both a text editor with full GhostFill fillpoint support and full syntax coloring. It should become part of your arsenal of development tools to tackle problems.

GhostPad allows you to enjoy the same functions as Microsoft NotePad. It can be used as a Clipboard to copy snippets of text from a Template or Script and store it for reuse. But its real power lies in its support for syntax coloring and the ability to test scripts. Syntax coloring means that all the fillpoints display in blue, comment text in green, and text strings in brown. And, all paired codes are automatically displayed in bold, so that you can tell the KeepBlock and the corresponding EndBlock.

GhostPad allows you to test and manipulate text without endangering the template. For complex scripting, you can copy a paragraph from the template and lay it out based on logic decision points. In the GhostPad you can test the assembly. When the script works properly, simply remove the excess hard returns and tabs and paste the paragraph back into your template.

Invoking GhostPad From the Start-Menu, START -> ALL PROGRAMS -> GHOSTFILL -> GHOSTPAD

To create a desktop or quicklauch shortcut, point to C:/Program Files/GhostWare/GhostPad.exe

From GhostFill developer: Right-click to create a new text template. Then right-click on the template and Open the file for editing. We suggest you create a template folder called “~Test” or “~Development” for your text templates used for testing purposes

Useful Tip: Always remember to make a backup copy of your templates before making major text changes.

Ghostfill Create a progress bar

There are times where you wish to give the users information that progress is being made during an assembly, or some indication of where they are.  GhostFill has a progress bar utility. It can be invoked and then controlled by a script. That script is up to you.

%[x = dialogs.Utils.CreateProgressBar]
%[x.title = “This is my Title”]

%[x.progress =0.1]
%[x.progress =0.2]
%[x.progress =0.3]
%[x.progress =0.4]
%[x.progress =0.5]
%[x.progress =0.6]
%[x.progress =0.7]
%[x.progress =0.8]
%[x.progress =0.9]
%[x.progress =1]

This code illustrates how to create and control the progress bar. It is up to you to create the rules for each of the progress codes. It could be a clock timer, or it could be just some condition.

GhostFill Tips Site Goes Live

Welcome to the new Basha Systems GhostFill Tips site.  It is run by our blogging software, but will grow to operate much like any information site…

As time goes by, we will be adding GhostFill tips and tricks to our database.  Eventually, this site will become a quality resource for the GhostFill document assembly community.  Also coming soon will be our Time Matters and HotDocs information sites, all run in a very similar manner.  If you find yourself becoming lost, the following color schemes should assist:

grey = generic blog containing articles & document assemby topics of interest
red = hotdocs specific tips and tricks
blue = ghostfill specific tips and tricks
tan = time matters specific tips and tricks

quotes in the GhostFill Tips site will appear like this

On the left side of this site, you will notice links to relevant GhostFill resources, as well as a search box, so that you can quickly find what you want from our site (if it is here of course).  If you want some light reading regarding document assembly generally, dont forget to check out our main blog which has many articles regarding the industry generally.

We hope you enjoy the new approach.