Another day, another hack. One of our computers got hit by the PC Security malware. Kaspersky to the rescue. The latest bug got Sunbelt VIPRE Enterprise and disabled it, wiped out the Restore Points and disabled safe mode.
Year: 2011
Must Software Evolve?
It has been a year and a half since Capsoft UK (based in Scotland) purchased the HotDocs division from LexisNexis, and the combined entity became HotDocs Limited . In this time period, HotDocs came out with a major release of its server product, including enhancements for integration with sharepoint, as well as a “shrink-rapped” portal for HotDocs Server.
The Problem with Thumper
It’s early summer. The garden has been planted. The young “bean sprouts” and “pea sprouts” are pushing up out of the fertile soil. In a few short weeks we will have fresh pea pods to pop. Our organic garden launched; free of pesticides. And then along comes “thumper”. Such a cute little bunny rabbit. And those little sprouts ever so tasty. One morning, we see the rabbits jumping about and a few dozen bean and pea seedlings climbing the walls to reach the sun. And then, they are ALL GONE. The culprit is Thumper (at left, no my photo). So tasty, so succulent. So gone. And now, we are set back several weeks, perhaps, never to recover. In the virtual world, I would likely accellerate the growth by buying “virtual currency”. But here, I am stuck with the realities of fast approaching summer. New seeds went into the ground; will it be a repeat. Am I feeding the wildlife. Welcome to life in suburbia.
The Unimportance of Being Ernest
As part of the high school curriculum, my son chose to read the Oscar Wilde play, the “Importance of Being Ernest”. To assist in his analysis, we saw the movie version (pictured above), and went to the Broadway version done at the Roundabout Theatre. Aside from the innumerable puns, it is the central pun of the play that strikes me. It is the importance of “being earnest” … as opposed to “Being Ernest”.
DOS Still Lives – In Retail
Our family recently joined an organic food coop. As a coop, were are obligated to volunteer time for the common good … there are no employees, only volunteers. It is not that the prices are “cheaper”, but the food is fresher and the selection is what the collective decides it wants to buy.
One Year On the Board of LexisNexis MyFirmManager
Today marks the one year anniversary of my time on the advisory board of FirmManager. I have seen the program evolve from an idea, to a concept, to a private beta and to a public beta, to a public product.
This Work Is BENEATH ME!!!
Just the other day I was making the case for practice management and workflow automation (aka Document Assembly), and I was given a novel reason for investing in such solutions. Novel, of course, is a matter of perspective. The reason offered was that practice management and automation would counter the issue of “this work is beneath me” proffered in a law firm.
New Life for Time Matters – GuestOffice
We recently upgraded our suite of Powerviews (Basha OMS and EPMS) to Time Matters 11. Along the way we have done several implementations of Time Matters mobility service. For the price (included with the AMP), it did supply some useful features, but the navigation and scope of data in it left much to be desired.
XpressDox Server and Salesforce – Bringing Docussembly to the Cloud
Yesterday, I had a long meeting with the developer of XpressDox to review recent additions to XpressDox document assembly platform. In this meeting, we reviewed recent developments to XpressDox’s hosted web-server offering ($29/month) and additions to its desktop development platform.
Read moreXpressDox Server and Salesforce – Bringing Docussembly to the Cloud
Credenza – Practice Management Lite
Basha Systems has recently gotten certified for Credenza, a product of, but really a spinoff of Amicus Attorney. Check out our new subdomain for information ( The reason is really simple. Credenza is for those who are not ready for full blown legal practice management. It strikes a balance by including those features which most attorneys with practice management ACTUALLY USE.