Database Connection – Vista64 and Windows7

Have you ever tried to add an Access database as a new “datasource” in Vista64 and Windows7? In most cases, you will go WINDOWS START -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC).  When you click ADD, you will get SQL Native Client and SQL Server.  There will be NO opportunity to add Access or any of the OLDER data types.  These 32-bit datatypes are effectively banished from the system.  Quelle disaster!!!  Well we have a solution, one that is REAL EASY

The Source of the Problem

The problems is that the Data Sources (ODBC) is really limited to 64-bit drivers.  MS Access uses a 32-bit driver and so DOES not show up in the Administrative Tool.  Lucky for us, Windows stores all the old tools in a special legacy folder:  C:WindowsSysWOW64.  Yes, WOW!!!!!  That could stand for “where is my OLD Windows” Who knows.  Here is how you get to the key file.

  1. Create Shortcut- Name: ODBC 32bit Admin

    – Path: c:WINDOWSSysWOW64odbcad32.exe

  2. Launch shortcut and ADD Access database as a data source just as you would in the past.