Welcome to the new Basha Systems Time Matters Tips site. It is run by our blogging software, but will grow to operate much like any information site…
As time goes by, we will be adding Time Matters tips and tricks to our database. Eventually, this site will become a quality resource for the Time Matters case management community. Growing side by side with this site will be our GhostFill and HotDocs information sites, all run in a very similar manner. If you find yourself becoming lost, the following color schemes should assist:
– grey = generic blog containing articles & document assemby topics of interest
– red = hotdocs specific tips and tricks
– navy = ghostfill specific tips and tricks
– tan = time matters specific tips and tricks
quotes in the Time Matters Tips site will appear like this
On the left side of this site, you will notice links to relevant Time Matters resources, as well as a search box, so that you can quickly find what you want from our site (if it is here of course). If you want some light reading regarding case management ( and document assembly!), dont forget to check out our main blog which has many articles regarding the industry generally.
We hope you enjoy the new approach.