Basha Systems releases Wealth Transfer Planning on HotDocs

It has been over a year of hard work, but the new Wealth Transfer Planning, SmartContent Practice System(tm) has been released.  Basha Systems has ported the SmartWord’s based estate planning templates over to HotDocs.  The system features a unique custom interface to HotDocs that supports Firm Preferences, a separate Client and Matter Interview, Profile settings, customizable Templates and customizable Stylesheets.  It represents a “revolution” in the way to handle document assembly.  The efforts of myself, Ian Burrows and Rose Rowland are to thanks.  Basha Systems will be providing ongoing support for the templates as well as extensive customization services.

Well … we are done.  The product has shipped.  Be sure to look through the training videos.

This is an “opus” for which we retain major bragging rights.  We have pushed the envellope for what HotDocs can do, using a number of innovations in data transfer and contextual help.  The system is at once complex and simple.  For those users of SmartWords based system, we have consolidated interviews that often went on for 50 dialogs into coherent single interview of less than 15 dialogs to handle even the most complex estate planning documents.

It has been over a year of hard work, but the new Wealth Transfer Planning, SmartContent Practice System(tm) has been released.  Basha Systems has ported the SmartWord’s based estate planning templates over to HotDocs.  The system features a unique custom interface to HotDocs that supports Firm Preferences, a separate Client and Matter Interview, Profile settings, customizable Templates and customizable Stylesheets.  It represents a “revolution” in the way to handle document assembly.

There are a number of people to thank.  The efforts of myself, Ian Burrows and Rose Rowland at Basha Systems; and the efforts and vision of Trish McLelland and Mike Graham at Interactive Legal Systems who had the confidence, the wherewithal, the stamina and the vision to see the project through.

Basha Systems will be providing ongoing support for the templates as well as extensive customization services. Please feel free to contact us for a demo of the system.  Whether you are considering purchasing the system, or using a system just like it, please give me a call.