Sometimes, there are things you want done to your assembled document that HotDocs simply cannot do. Perhaps you want to check margins for a specific section, re-style an inserted template on the fly or automatically run a custom in-house print macro upon completion. For these sorts of tasks, the PLAY instruction is what you wish to use. PLAY will tell your word processor to run a specified macro after your document has been created (ie: after the interview, but before it displays as a document). If there is more than one PLAY instruction in a template, HotDocs will process them in the order encountered.
The syntax for a PLAY instruction is pretty simple:
«PLAY "MyMacro"»
To insert the PLAY instruction, go to the HotDocs button on your HotDocs toolbar, click “Other Field”, then specify PLAY from the drop down box. You will be asked for the macro name you wish to run. Click OK.
Notes About PLAY
If you use WordPerfect, your macro can be stored anywhere. If it is outside the default macro location, then your play instruction must have the full file path.
If you use Word, the macro must be stored in the template itself, or some other template that is loaded and available at the time you assemble your document. If you are using Word RTF templates, you may optionally associate a specific template via the Component Manager.