If you have ever wondered who Basha was, there is a story to tell. In 1996, when I was packing up my office then at Kalkines, Arky & Bernstein LLP, and leaving for the “great unknown”, I knew I wanted to do something with “software”. I didn’t know what. And so I wanted a name that met two criteria: (1) Flexibility, and (2) Near the top of the Alphabet, but not so obvious. I also wanted something unique.
Introducing, Basha, the family dog, who grew up with me. She was a lovable mutt, a Cockapoo … before they were in vogue, part cocker spaniel and part miniature poodle. And as a “teenager and a dog” our relationship was sometimes tense. And so, I dressed up “Basha”, who was then long deceased … she died while I was in law school. In fact, she spent her last months with me in law school, if I remember correctly. I gave her a “bowtie” and put her behind a computer. By that time, I decided I would be definitely doing something with computers, and so I called the company “Basha Systems”. We later incorporated as an LLC. And for many years, the logo above was everywhere. And, for those who ventured to click on the icon, she even barked.
For now, here Basha is in her full and resplended glory.